Professor, Department of Psychology
J. Devin McAuley
Dr. McAuley’s research is on neural and cognitive bases of timing and rhythm. Research foci of the lab include (1) coordination of perception and action, (2) attentional entrainment, (3) the role of rhythm in speech and language processing in noisy conditions and (4) commonalities between music and language processing. Research in the lab uses a range of methodologies, including behavioral methods with children and adults, computational modeling, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). REU students will engage in hypothesis-driven experiments that investigate the role of rhythm in understanding speech in difficult (noisy) listening conditions testing the predictions of a selective-entrainment hypothesis. Mentored undergraduate students a year: 8-10. Published papers with undergraduates = 2 in past 3 years. Conference presentations with undergraduates in past 3 years: >15. Dr. McAuley has 20+ years of experience mentoring and publishing research with undergraduate students. He has received two REU supplements for previous NSF grants and was nominated for the Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor of the Year award at MSU.